Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ireland: The Anarch Revolt

While Europe burned during the inquisition, and bands of Anarch neonates traveled from city to city slaying their elders, Ireland’s kindred struggled to fight the oppression of England’s dominating Prince Mithras. Ireland, for as long as any kindred can remember, has been fractured into a number of Anarch baronies, independent of one another, yet unified by the inherent nationalism of the Irish identity. Cork, Dublin, Kilkenny, Limerick, Waterford and Belfast were among the larger baronies in Ireland throughout the 15th century. At that point, there was very little structure within the Anarch movement, and most nights were wrought with skirmishes against the lackeys of the British elders. Generally, a large local coterie of cainites would be the only opposition to the oppressive elder powers in Ireland. Often underestimated and marginalized by these elders, these nomadic coteries struck deep wounds into the domains of these elder cainites. By 1490, the Anarchs had rendered the British ruling class of cainites nearly impotent in Ireland.

On October 23rd, 1493, dozens of Anarch Cainites assembled to meet with Hardestadt and his nascent Camarilla organization, which had formed merely 7 years earlier, at the small English village of Thorns. In a scene to be repeated throughout history, the struggling Anarch leaders would render themselves impotent in the face of their opposition, being granted safe return to the purveyance of their respective clans and princes without threat of retribution for past crimes, save those “most grave”, which would be judged or forgotten within a year. There were a number of Anarch leaders from Ireland in attendance that night, and for many of them, it would mark the end of the revolt and a severance of ties to their relations in Ireland.

As history shows, this marked the creation of the Sabbat; a twisted cabal of cainites standing in direct opposition to The Founders and their Camarilla. For many of the Irish Anarchs though, the Sabbat was business as usual. Led by an Irish Brujah named Aodhan O’Neal and a Viking Ventrue named Gotsdam, a minority of the Irish, Scottish and Welsh Anarchs left England in disgust, returning to their baronies to continue fighting Mithras’ English forces. Upon their return, Aodhan and Gotsdam scoffed at the treaty and informed the other Anarchs that it was more meaningless trash disguised as an olive branch.

For the Irish cainites, the nightly struggle would continue for centuries. Over time, many of the original "Kindred" (as they'd come to be known) of the Anarch Revolt would not make it into the modern nights. As the war against English control would wax an wane, many of the eldest kindred would vanish from the field of battle; succumbing to torpor, relinquishing to the Camarilla's lure or falling victim to Final Death. Eventually, a younger generation of Kindred would take their place, continuing the revolt against Mithras.

Around the middle of the 19th century, the war against Mithras erupted to a fever pitch, led by the childe of Aodhan O’Neal; Donal' O'Connor and his coterie. Eventually, the Camarilla stepped in and brought the Dublin Anarchs, now elders in their own right, to heel. With much disdain, in 1921, Dublin became a Camarilla city, quietly supporting the IRA against British rule, as well as other Anarch baronies throughout Ireland.

Today, Ireland remains a country fractured and distant, at least from the kindred perspective. Belfast is literally divided and controlled by two opposing kindred factions. On one half, you have the Anarchs, led by Baron Rourke Fitzgerald of clan Brujah. On the other, you have Prince Alistor Quinn of clan Malkavian. While the city remains tentatively peaceful, the kindred battle nightly for control of the city. Various other counties throughout Ireland are either void of kindred, or consist of small Anarch coteries forming various baronies.

The Jihad has evolved over centuries, and the focus of the fight against England has shifted focus from Mithras to Queen Anne. After much speculation of Mithras being in torpor since 1941, it's been widely accepted that he's met final death. Queen Anne, through her own doing, or simply through skewed perception, has become the primary focus of the opposition; both from the Anarch perspective, and Dublin's Kindred (which are essentially the same, and widely believed to be mutually sympathetic).

For what it's worth (in Ireland, it's worth less than nothing):


Many years have passed since the start of our current conflict now called the Anarch Movement. Be it known that on this night of 23 October, 1493, the Jyhad has ended. The time for self-destruction is over.

This Concordat, bound in the Covenant of Caine by sacred vow, represents an unyielding vigilant truce between the Kindred known unto themselves as Anarchs, the Clan Assamite and the free-standing Kindred bound under the title of Camarilla. Henceforth, the parties shall be recognized by faction as the Anarchs, the Assamites and the Camarilla.

Each of the parties agrees to the responsibility of maintaining peace. Each shall lay its censures upon any who breach or oppose this sacred Agreement. Accounting will be made of all parties for violations by them to either the letter or spirit of this Agreement. This document is legally binding under the accepted Lextalionis of all Cainites as it has passed through the ages. All Kindred are entreated to accept and gain pleasure from this peaceful accord.

Be it known that the Anarchs will enjoin with the Camarilla as an accepted part, making it whole. Anarchs are expected to work peacefully to achieve their own ends. They must become defenders of all and they shall receive full entitlement to all rights and privileges belonging to all Camarilla Kindred. All Anarchs shall be accepted back unto their elders and their formerly denounced clans without any fear of reprisal. Only the most vicious of atrocities shall not be forgiven. These shall stand written for the Justicars to hear within one year after which all allegations are no longer valid. All Anarchs shall reclaim all remaining and rightful property confiscated from them. In return, they must turn over any war gains taken during the conflict by giving them to their sires or any recognized clan elder.

Know also that if the Anarchs are further warred upon, this open jyhad invalidates their responsibility to maintain peace with their attacker. They may act freely without fear of reprisal from any nonactive members of the Camarilla. Anarchs are guaranteed the freedom to act as they please short of breaching the “Masquerade” imposed for the protection of all Kindred from the kine.

It is also noted that any member of any other self-proclaimed sect must openly declare this before his elders and renounce this relation. Failure to do so will result in the destruction of any deemed guilty. No Kindred may be sent knowingly to his death by an elder or sire unless the security of clan or Camarilla outweighs the possible loss of unlife.

From this night forward, the Assamites shall henceforth no longer commit diablerie upon members of other clans. The Assamites must commit themselves to this acceptance by a mark of assurance placed upon them in the form of a thaumaturgical limitation. All members of the Assamites shall become unable to drink freely of the vitae of other Kindred from now unto forever. In addition, the Assamites shall pay the Brujah elders of Spain two thousand pounds of gold in ransom of the five Assamite elders captured committing diablerie. Also, the Assamites may no longer participate in Blood Hunts.

Be it also known the Assamites are guaranteed complete independence from Camarilla demands. The Assamite fortress, Alamut, shall be free from any further assaults. Assamites are also granted, out of respect for their beliefs, the freedom to commit diablerie upon all Kindred not recognized as holding membership within the Camarilla.

It is rendered that all parties involved and all showing allegiance to any of these parties shall be held responsible for all aspects of this Convention brought forth here, in the neutral kingdom of England, outside the hamlet of Thorn, near the town of Silchester. May Caine hold truth and peace for us all.


Hardestadt the Elder: Representative of the Clan Ventrue

Rafael De Corazon: Representative of the Clan Toreador

Mistress Fanchon: Representative of Clan Tremere

Camilla Baines: Of the Malkavians

Josef Von Bauren: Representing Clan Nosferatu

Adana de Sforza: of the Brujah

Milov Petrenk

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