Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Q and A

Just so everyone is aware, we are trying to create a living, constantly evolving game that all of you can enjoy.
Some questions have arisen about various minute, but non the less important, details in regards to rules. So, here are some of the frequently asked questions and the answers to those questions, in no specific order.

Q. How often can we use influence and how often do we get it back?

A. You can use your influence whenever you want, and you can submit influence at any time during the week, but your actual alloted points only refresh once a month, at the first session of the month. We will take your points into consideration when you submit influence expenditures, so specific items of interest may be more or less effective, depending on how you use those points. *Side Note* We typically prefer a more abstract and narrated approach to influence use, and are more receptive to that than the typical "growth" default.

Q. Can I just hop on the phone and call up my influence to get me out of a jam?

A. In a word, no. Influence represents your sway over groups of mortals, not control over institutions. For something like this scenario, you'd need allies, contacts or retainers to get you out of a quick jam.

Q. When do my abilities refresh?

A. Your abilities refresh every session. To clarify, at the beginning of every game session, your abilities will refresh. If you run a side-scene that takes place on a different day than the actual game, your abilities and traits will be fully refreshed, unless the circumstance dictates otherwise. Willpower refreshes at the standard rate.

Q. Do backgrounds cost XP as I gain them? Can I buy backgrounds with XP?

A. If, in the course of the game, you gain new backgrounds or influence, you are not required to purchase them with experience points. These are benifits of being active and exploring your world. That said, you cannot purchase backgrounds after character creation. If you want more contacts, you better get out on the streets and find some.

Q. Lores? How do they work?

A. Lores represent more than just simple working knowledge of a particular concept. They represent actual time learning and studying about the more intimate aspects of that specific concept. Here's how the Vampire Storyteller's Companion breaks down Camarilla Lore: 1. Student: What any member would know if she bothered to ask. 2. College: What most Ventrue know. 3. Masters: What most Nosferatu or Tremere know. 4. Doctorate: What most Princes and Archons know. 5. Scholar: What only the Justicars and Inner Council know.

To put the idea into perspective, Lores should be used as a general guide of crucial knowledge and not a crutch. If you are concerned about Role-playing correctly, use this generalized guide when portraying your character. At the end of the day, challanges involving knowledge about a specific concept will be retested with the appropriate lore.

Q. How much time does it take to learn a Ritual? Do I need influence? Can I make my own ritual?

A. As per the Laws of the Night, when you learn an additional level of a path of Thaumaturgy or Necromancy, you will gain a corresponding ritual of appropriate level. Having said that, there may be case by case restrictions on what rituals are available to the player as he raises his path. There is no concrete answer to this question one way or another. Simply, as you increase your path rating, you will be allowed to take a ritual of equal level for no cost. To take a ritual outside of this context, there will be a requirement of time and influence, but no XP cost. We will set time constraints on an individual basis. Unfortunately, we are not currently allowing players to create rituals or paths. While this may change in the future, there is no forseeable reason to allow this at this time.

Q. That player isn't role-playing his character correctly. What can I do?

A. Unfortunately for some, this is a game of nuance and subtlty. While you may disagree with how a player roleplays, there isn't much you can do besides address the storytellers about your concern. We will take all issues under advisement and deal with it as it comes up. We will NOT tell you about the end result of our interactions. At the end of the day, some people have to just learn to get along or avoid conflicts with people they don't exactly like. As storytellers, we have to be as impartial as possible and come to an amicable conclusion.

Q. I don't like what Nate said, can't I just go to Chance? Vise Versa?

A. Sure, as long as you don't mind being asked not to come back to the game again. We aren't getting paid, and we have enough drama in our own lives. There is no reason that we should have to deal with childish nonsense from grown adults. If Nate says no, take it as gospel. If Chance says no, it's the word of God. The only way this could be overturned, or addressed or debated would be at one of our meetings on Wednesday. We are not in the business of undercutting one another, and evidence showing a player perpetraiting this behavior will be kindly expelled. Any call by a storyteller will stand. If you think it's unfair, feel free to state that opinion to us after the game, and we will adress it. We will not change it. We will explain why we made the call, and that's that.

Q. V20. It's awesome, right?

A. We haven't read it. We're sure it is. We're not using it though.

Q. Can I hide my Thaumaturgy use? I could in every other game.

A. In a word: No. As written in the Laws of the Night: "Thuamaturgy does rely on speaking magical phrases and gestures, and as such, its use is generally noticable." This means no stealth Thaumaturgy. You cannot stand next to someone and use a Thaumaturgy power and tell them they don't notice. Sorry. Nope. Not going to happen.

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